Thursday, June 12, 2008

His Amazing Creation

Yeah, I's almost 4 am and I'm still awake. I'm crazy, but I guess I've sort of wanted a blog for a while, so I decided to create one. Ha!

We're in Franklin, TN this week while Dad is attending a Worship Conference (with Lindell Cooley) here in Nashville. Tonight we went to Danny and Jana's (my dad's brother) house to have a "family cookout." Our whole family was there: Granny and Bob; Jeff, Debra, and Anna Rose; Dad, Mom, Cameron, Blaire, and I; and, of course, Danny, Jana, Caleb, and Brayden. We haven't been together as a family in a while, so that was great!

As we were sitting outside after eating tonight, the boys (the dads) began to play music, of course. We all joined in and sang, if we knew the words (haha). Because I don't know THAT many songs, I wasn't able to sing a few of them. In those moments that I did not sing, I just began to look up and see the moon and stars. I also looked around at the yard and street. Then I looked at my family. The entire time I was doing this, I couldn't help but think how awesome my Father is!

The Lord is really and truly SO amazing! I sense it more and more everyday how awesome He is. I want to be better at striving for His presence daily. I want to WANT His presence daily. I NEED Him daily ... I know I do. There are days that God probably looks at me thinking, "You know better," or "Be wiser!"

It's just amazing to me to be able to look at my family and know that the Lord has blessed me with such a great family! My family is seriously awesome. They're talented, loving, and caring! I couldn't ask for anything better! :)

Well, I just thought I'd share a little of what I was feeling. I just had an amazing night and decided to share.

I'm getting tired and need to go to sleep. I'm going to lunch with my uncle tomorrow.

I'm out...


Pictures from that night ...

Debra & Anna Rose, Granny, Danny, and DadDad singing and playing. Granny and her boys. The boys
Mom and me

Of course I HAD to catch some of the singing on video! :)
(*Notice Dad calls Jeff, "...Christian.")

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